What is the category of this Siemens part?
The Siemens 3RW4026-1TB04 falls under the category of Soft Starts.
What are the key features of this part?
The Siemens 3RW4026-1TB04 has several key features including an integrated bypass contact system, thyristors, intrinsic device protection, motor overload protection, evaluation of thermistor motor protection, external reset, and adjustable current limitation.
What is the operational current of this part at different temperatures?
The operational current of the Siemens 3RW4026-1TB04 is 25A at 40°C, 23A at 50°C, and 21A at 60°C.
What is the insulation voltage rated value of this part?
The insulation voltage rated value of the Siemens 3RW4026-1TB04 is 600V.
What is the control supply voltage frequency of this part?
The control supply voltage frequency of the Siemens 3RW4026-1TB04 is 50Hz and 60Hz.
What is the size of this part?
The Siemens 3RW4026-1TB04 has a width of 45mm, a height of 125mm, and a depth of 155mm.
What is the type of electrical connection for this part?
The Siemens 3RW4026-1TB04 uses screw-type terminals for both the main current circuit and the auxiliary and control circuit.
What is the ambient temperature range for operation and storage of this part?
The Siemens 3RW4026-1TB04 can operate in temperatures ranging from -25°C to +60°C and can be stored in temperatures ranging from -40°C to +80°C.