What is the short description of this part?
This part is a solid-state contactor.
What is the commodity code for this part?
The commodity code for this part is 853649.
What are the ambient conditions for this part during operation?
The ambient temperature during operation for this part is -25 to +60 °C.
What are the ambient conditions for this part during storage?
The ambient temperature during storage for this part is -55 to +80 °C.
What is the electromagnetic compatibility for this part?
This part has conducted interference due to burst according to IEC 61000-4-4 of 2 kV / 5 kHz behavior criterion 2. It also has conducted HF-interference emissions according to CISPR11 of Class A for industrial environment.
What is the safety related data for this part?
The protection class IP on the front according to IEC 60529 for this part is IP20. It also has touch protection on the front according to IEC 60529 which is finger-safe, for vertical contact from the front.
What is the installation altitude for this part?
The installation altitude at height above sea level for this part is maximum 1 000 m.
What is the design of the thread of the connection screw for this part?
The design of the thread of the connection screw for main contacts is M4 and for the auxiliary and control contacts is M3.
What is the stripped length of the cable for this part?
The stripped length of the cable for main contacts and for auxiliary and control contacts is 7 mm.
What is the tightening torque for this part?
The tightening torque for main contacts with screw-type terminals is 18 ... 22 lbf·in and for auxiliary and control contacts with screw-type terminals is 4.5 ... 5.3 lbf·in.