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Naša rozsiahla základňa zásob obsahuje tisíce kvalitných náhradných dielov Yaskawa pre automatizáciu, pričom mnohé z nich je možné doručiť nasledujúci alebo v ten istý deň.

Všetky diely Yaskawa sa štandardne dodávajú s plnou 12-mesačnou zárukou, aby ste sa nemuseli znepokojovať.

parts supplied
3 139 380 dodaných dielov
customers worldwide
82 952 zákazníkov na celom svete
countries served
175 krajín, kde pôsobíme

Recenzie zákazníkov

Miroslava Hudcovská

nákup tovaru

Po zaslaní objednávky ma kontaktovala p.Ilavská a celý telefonát prebehol v priateľskom tóne bez problémov a ponúkla riešenie ohľadne faktúry a zaslania tovaru na našu adresu. Určite môžem hodnotiť celý priebeh od objednávky po dodanie tovaru na výbornú.

pred 4 mesiacmi

Karol Lamper

Rýchla reakcia na požiadavku,rýchle…

Rýchla reakcia na požiadavku,rýchle dodanie

pred 4 mesiacmi

Milan Gaspar

Maximale Zufriedenheit mit Frau Sonia…

Maximale Zufriedenheit mit Frau Sonia Litnerová und Silvia Ilavská. Milan Gaspar SP. Údržba -Technológia / SP. Instandhaltung - Technologie Schaeffler Kysuce,spol.s.r.o.

pred 4 rokmi

Eduard Černušák

Ďakujem Vám za dodanie driveru.

Ďakujem Vám za dodanie driveru. Všetko je v poriadku až na dopravu, ktorá meškala, poplietli balíky.

pred 5 rokov


great service

great service, kind people! Very good!

pred 23 hodín


Always great to deal with

Always great to deal with, prompt replies to requests and great at sourcing hard to find products. Would highly recommend to anyone sourcing components. Staff are always keeping you in the loop when dealing with requests and I have had no issues with deliveries to the UK

pred 2 dňami

Roger Gay

Responded quickly

Responded quickly, made sure the part was the correct part I needed and shipped the part in a matter of days. Very professional and knowledgeably of the part we needed.

pred 3 dňami

Steven Kellis

Salesman is courteous and professional

Salesman is courteous and professional. Item arrived in working condition.

pred 3 dňami

Rey Ochoa

Good service

Quick response to quotes requested.

pred 3 dňami

John Schlichting

Kevin is the best!!!

Kevin Sieburg and his Team has been the most professional, courteous and informative automation supplier I have had to deal with. I am not the easiest person to please and they fulfilled all of my expectations.

pred 3 dňami

Enrique Gonzalez

Prompt Delivery

The prompt delivery knowing it was urgent was amazing! We are confident when EU Automation says they will try to ship as soon as possible they really mean it. Our company will definitely use them again. Service is astounding.

pred 1 týždňom

Jan Křepela

friendly staff, wide range of products, fast delivery, higher prices than competitors

We have been cooperating with EU automation for many years. We communicate with Mr. R. Walker and we are very satisfied with his services. He responds to inquiries very quickly. The prices of the products offered could be lower.

pred 1 týždňom


Great Experience!

User friendly site and painless delivery.

pred 1 týždňom


Customer service very good

Customer service is quick and professional The parts sent to us was initially faulty and a replacement was sent FOC to resolve the issue. This was done with little inconvenience and resolved in a prompt and professional manner. We had no previous issues with other parts received

pred 1 týždňom

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