What is the category of this Siemens part?
This Siemens part falls under the PLC Systems category.
Which family does this part belong to?
This part belongs to the Simatic S7 family.
Can you provide a brief description of this part?
Certainly, this is a Siemens 3.6V Lithium Battery with a capacity of 1.6 Ah and a length of 33 mm.
What is the Commodity Code for this part?
The Commodity Code for this part is 850650.
What is the installation type for this part?
This part can be installed via wall mounting or direct mounting in HMI devices, specifically in the battery compartment.
What is the operating temperature range for this part?
The operating temperature range for this part is from 0°C to 55°C.
What is the storage temperature range for this part?
The storage temperature range for this part is from -55°C to 85°C.
What is the weight of this part without packaging?
The weight of this part without packaging is 14 grams.
What is the design of the battery?
The battery has a special design, it is a 2/3 AA Lithium-ion battery.
What are the dimensions of this part?
The length of this part is 33 mm and the diameter is 14.7 mm.
What is the supply voltage type for this part?
The supply voltage type for this part is DC with a rated value of 3.6 V.
Is this part rechargeable?
Yes, this part is rechargeable.
What is the capacity of this part?
The capacity of this part is 1.6 A·h.
Does this part have a CE mark?
Yes, this part has a CE mark.
Is this part RoHS compliant?
Yes, this part is RoHS compliant.
What is the maximum relative humidity for operation of this part?
The maximum relative humidity for operation of this part is 90%.
What is included in the scope of supply?
The scope of supply includes 1 unit of the part, including a 45 mm + 210 mm connecting cable.
What are the target devices for this part?
This part can be used for TD17, OP17, OP25, OP27, OP35, OP37, TP27, TP37, OP/TP270, MP270, MP270B, MP370, C7-621, C7-623, C7-624, C7-626 and PG 7xx.