What is the category and family of this Siemens part?
The Siemens 6ES7132-7GD00-0AB0 is categorized under PLC Systems and belongs to the Simatic S7 family.
What are the dimensions of this part?
The dimensions of the Siemens 6ES7132-7GD00-0AB0 are 30 mm in width, 129 mm in height, and 136.5 mm in depth.
What is the weight of this part?
The approximate weight of the Siemens 6ES7132-7GD00-0AB0 is 255 grams.
How many digital outputs does this part have?
The Siemens 6ES7132-7GD00-0AB0 has 4 digital outputs, along with an additional intrinsically-safe input for L shutdown.
What is the input current and power loss for this part?
The Siemens 6ES7132-7GD00-0AB0 has a typical current consumption of 290 mA and a maximum input current of 340 mA from load voltage L+ (without load). The power loss is typically 2.5 W.
Is this part suitable for use in hazardous areas?
Yes, the Siemens 6ES7132-7GD00-0AB0 is suitable for use in hazardous areas. It has a type of protection according to EN 50020 (CENELEC) of II2 G (1) GD Ex ib[ia] IIC T4 and I M2 Ex ib[ia] I.
What is the address space per module for this part?
The Siemens 6ES7132-7GD00-0AB0 has an address space per module of 2 bytes.
What is the no-load voltage and internal resistor for this part?
The Siemens 6ES7132-7GD00-0AB0 has a no-load voltage (Uao) of 23.1 V DC and an internal resistor (Ri) of 275 Ohms.
What are the trend key points E for this part?
The trend key points E for the Siemens 6ES7132-7GD00-0AB0 are a voltage (Ue) of 17.6 V DC and a current (Ie) of 20 mA.